The axis “Lexique” at the research unit “Analyse et Traitement Automatique de la Langue Française” (ATILF - CNRS/UL - UMR 7118) is organizing an international conference on the topic of lexicons from December 16 to 18, 2026 at the ATILF laboratory in Nancy (France).

            The aim of this scientific event is to bring together junior and experienced researchers to discuss current research issues in a major field of linguistics, and one which is at the core of communication and human relations: the lexicons.

            The theme of this conference is designed to include the widest possible range of research approaches in the different (sub)disciplines of linguistics, involving theoretical and empirical insights as well as methodological discussions in the field. For each of the conference’s subsections, we welcome a dialogue between diachronic and synchronic approaches, corpus and field studies, as well as analyses in monolingual and multilingual contexts. The proposed presentation should focus primarily, but not exclusively, on morphology, syntax, semantics and discourse analysis.

            Proposals for presentations will therefore fit into one or more of the following subsections, which reflect the various research activities carried out at ATILF within its research groups.

Scientific organizing committee

The international conference “Lexicons” is the result of collaboration between the following research groups (GR) within ATILF’s “Lexique” axis under the supervision of Yvon Keromnes and Hélène Vinckel-Roisin:

GR Roman Etymological Dictionary – Eva Buchi

GR Theoretical, descriptive and applied lexicology of lexical networks – Alain Polguère, Veronika Lux-Pogodalla

GR Polysemy and lexical ambiguity – Evelyne Jacquey, Sandrine Ollinger

GR Pragmatics, Contrastive Linguistics, Corpus – Yvon Keromnes, Hélène Vinckel-Roisin, Akerke Yessenali

GR Terminology and Speech Therapy – Frédérique Brin-Henry

GR Automatic language processing – Mathieu Constant

GR Discourse markers – Mathilde Dargnat, Maeva Sillaire and Paola Herreno-Castaneda

Plenary speakers

Hans C. Boas, University of Texas, Austin

Gaëtane Dostie, Université de Sherbrooke

Sören Stumpf, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

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